The Project

Disadvantaged youth face different challenges that prevent them from participating actively in the democratic process. First, traditional forms of political participation often do not appeal to young people. As a result, this demonstrates that there is a gap between the traditional way of influencing policy-making and new forms of political activism.

In addition, disadvantaged young people are underrepresented in the media. There is a need to accommodate youth from disadvantaged backgrounds, in order to get a say in the democratic process.

The overall aim of the project is to create tools that can give youth in Europe a voice and make them capable of presenting their opinions and influencing the public debate and discourse, with the ultimate and long-term aim of shaping the next set of EU actions in a way that addresses their concerns for the future.

The specific objectives of the project:
– Increase the knowledge and awareness of EU institutions, policies and democratic procedures.
– Empowering youth to counter disinformation.
– Enhance the democratic participation of disengaged youth through journalism and media.

The project aims to help youth groups (13-24 years old) develop journalistic skills and knowledge, and create their own media content. As a result, the project will provide this group of youth with the tools to acquire a voice in the public political debate and participate fully in the democratic process.